
Accessing and Using Ads Power Software

SOP Information

  • SOP Number: AP-001
  • Version Number: 1.0
  • Date Implemented: October 2023
  • Number of Pages: 5
  • Department: Marketing
  • Application: Ads Power Software


This guide provides a detailed procedure for accessing and using the Ads Power Software. It covers the steps needed to download the software, log in, and utilize the platform to manage advertising accounts on Facebook.


The purpose of this guide is to ensure that users can efficiently access and navigate the Ads Power Software, enabling them to manage their Facebook ad accounts effectively.

Person Responsible

  • Marketing Manager: Oversee the usage of Ads Power Software and provide guidance on profile selection.
  • Team Members: Follow the procedures outlined in this guide to access and utilize the software.


Step 1: Downloading the Software

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download the Ads Power Software.
Downloading the Software
  1. Upon downloading, you will receive a login URL with your login details.
Login URL Details

Step 2: Logging In

  1. Open the Ads Power Software and log in using the details provided in the login URL.
Software Platform
  1. Once logged in, you will see the main platform interface.
Main Platform
  1. Only use profiles marked as active. Confirm with your manager which profile to utilize.
Active Profiles

Step 3: Opening a Profile

  1. Click the 'Open' button to access the selected profile.
Open Profile
  1. If prompted, download any necessary browsers or additional software.
Browser Download Prompt

Step 4: Accessing Facebook Accounts

  1. Upon accessing the profile, you will have access to the associated Facebook accounts.
Facebook Account Access
  1. You will be provided with a sheet containing important details for the week.
Weekly Details Sheet

Step 5: Using the Details Sheet

  1. The details sheet will include information on the profiles, such as usernames and passwords.
Profile Details
  1. Ensure you have the email, email password, and recovery information for account management.
Email and Password Information

Step 6: Logging into Facebook

  1. The most crucial part is using the two-factor authentication (2FA) code to log into Facebook.
Using 2FA Code
  1. Copy the 2FA code from the profile and paste it into the appropriate field on Facebook.
Copying 2FA Code
  1. Submit the code to complete the login process.
Submitting 2FA Code

Tools Required

  1. Ads Power Software: For managing multiple ad accounts.
  2. Web Browser: Required to download the Ads Power Software and access Facebook.

Expected Outcome

  1. Successful access to Ads Power Software.
  2. Ability to utilize active profiles for managing Facebook accounts.
  3. Efficient handling of two-factor authentication for secure logins.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  1. Challenge: Unable to download the software.
    • Solution: Check internet connection and ensure the website is accessible.
  2. Challenge: Forgotten login details.
    • Solution: Use the recovery options provided or contact your manager for assistance.

Contact for Escalation

  • Marketing Manager: John Doe -
  • IT Support: Jane Smith -

Supporting Resources