
Guide to Registering a Business in Alabama


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for registering a business in Alabama, including details on selecting the registered agent county, uploading documents, and obtaining the certificate of formation. By following this guide, you will successfully navigate the business registration process in Alabama and ensure that all necessary documents are prepared and submitted correctly.

Table of Contents

Selecting the Registered Agent CountySelect Montgomery as the registered agent county, not the county where the business is located.
Montgomery County Selection
Document UploadsUpload any optional documents and continue with the registration process.
Document Uploads
Verification of DetailsVerify that all entered details are correct before proceeding.
Note Important InformationTake note of any important information presented during the process.
Important Information
Printing DocumentsEnsure to print the page with crucial information for your records.
Print Documents
Understanding FeesAcknowledge that a name reservation, county fee, and LLC fee are required in Alabama.
Understanding Fees
Acquiring the Certificate of FormationObtain the certificate of formation as evidence of business registration.
Certificate of Formation
Printing the ArticlesPrint the articles of the business for official records.
Printing Articles
Confirming Naming ConventionConfirm the standard naming convention for the business files.
Naming Convention