
Installing the Reflow Application for the First Time


This guide will walk you through the steps to install the Reflow application on your computer for the first time. By following these instructions, you will successfully download, install, and set up the necessary permissions for the application to function properly.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Download the Reflow Application

To begin, you need to download the latest version of the Reflow application from the provided link.
Downloading the application

Install the Application

Once the download is complete, locate the DMG file on your computer. Double-click on the DMG file and drag and drop the Reflow application into your Applications folder.
Installing the application

Launch the Application

After moving the application, navigate to your Applications folder, find Reflow, and double-click on it. A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you want to open it. Click "Open" to launch the application for the first time.
Launching the application

Grant Permissions

To ensure the Reflow application works properly, you will need to grant it some permissions. Start by opening System Settings.
Opening system settings

Enable Input Monitoring

In System Settings, navigate to Input Monitoring. Here, you need to enable Reflow by clicking on the corresponding button.
Enabling Reflow in input monitoring

Confirm Permissions

After clicking the button, the system will ask for your password to confirm the changes. You can either use your fingerprint or enter your password. Once confirmed, the application may prompt you to reopen.
Confirming permissions

Reopen the Application

After enabling the necessary permissions, reopen the Reflow application as prompted.
Reopening the application

Grant Accessibility Permissions

The application will request additional permissions for accessibility features. Again, click to open System Settings and enable Reflow.
Granting accessibility permissions

Finalizing Permissions

Continue to grant permissions as prompted by the application. Each time it asks, open System Settings and enable Reflow. If you see a message saying you need to quit and reopen, follow that instruction.
Finalizing permissions

Restart the Application

Once all permissions are granted, restart the application one last time to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Restarting the application

Explore the Application

Now that the application is ready to use, you will see the timeline and your activities. You can create and track labels, as well as define which apps or URLs you do not want Reflow to monitor.
Application ready to use
Tracking activities
Defining settings
Viewing application version

Enjoy Your Experience

You are all set to start using the Reflow application. Enjoy your experience!

Apps asking for permission

When you start using Reflow, different applications will ask for your permission for Reflow to track. Make sure to grant the permission, every time it’s asked. It’ll look something like this:


You have now successfully installed the Reflow application and configured it for use. By following these steps, you can ensure that the application functions correctly and meets your tracking needs.