
PCS Report Upload Guide

Table of Contents


This guide provides a detailed process for uploading PCS reports daily. It includes the preparation and submission of four reports: two analytics exports, one marketing report, and one hub export that updates the members' dashboards.


The main goal of this guide is to ensure timely and accurate upload of PCS reports to maintain updated dashboards and records.

Platforms Involved

  • Microsoft Excel
  • AWS S3
  • Google Drive


This guide is applicable for the daily upload of PCS reports, covering analytics, marketing, and hub exports.

Use Case

This procedure should be followed by team members responsible for maintaining up-to-date reports in the PCS system.


Step 1: Run the Analytics Report

  1. Navigate to the print reports section.
  2. Under project management, select the analytics report.
  3. Run two analytics reports: BTR and QA.
  4. Filter by description (excluding canceled) and set the project template to BTR.
  5. Click on print selected and choose output to file as Microsoft Excel.
  6. Save the report to the PCS upload folder on the C drive.
Analytics Report Selection

Step 2: Generate the QA Report

  1. Change the project template from BTR to QA.
  2. Repeat the same process as above to print and save the QA report.
QA Report Generation

Step 3: Upload Analytics Reports to AWS

  1. Log in to AWS and navigate to the S3 bucket.
  2. Open the collective-analytics-baud section and go to intake.
  3. Drag and drop the CSV analytics exports into the AWS portal.
  4. Verify successful upload when the process turns green.
Upload to AWS

Step 4: Create and Upload the Marketing Export

  1. Remove the analytics export from selected reports.
  2. Select the marketing report with today’s date.
  3. Save as a CSV (comma delimited) and rename by removing the date.
  4. Upload the report to the marketing upload folder in AWS.
Marketing Export

Step 5: Generate and Upload the Hub Export

  1. Select the hub export report.
  2. Save as MS-DOS CSV with uploader's initials.
  3. Drag and drop into the hub section and confirm changes.
Hub Export Upload

Step 6: Archive Reports in Google Drive

  1. Navigate to the historical uploads folder in Google Drive.
  2. Drag and drop all reports from the local PCS upload folder.
  3. Delete local copies once uploaded.
Historical Uploads

Change Control Log

  • Document and update the log with any changes made to this SOP before submitting for publication.