
Preparing the Machine for Operation

💡 Purpose:

This guide outlines the process of preparing the machine for operation, including indicators that show when the machine is ready to use.

✔️ Procedure:

  1. Observe the Machine Status
    As the machine goes through its preparation process, check the lower right corner for a blinking button. The prepare machine indicator will show a green circle.
    Machine Status
  2. Wait for Preparation Completion
    The preparation will be complete when the prepare machine indicator changes to a gray-white color and the blinking light stops.
    Preparation Completion
  3. Confirm Machine Readiness
    Once the indicators show that the machine is ready, click the home button located in the lower corner.
  4. Navigate to Field Origin
    After clicking the home button, proceed to select the field origin. The machine is now ready for operation. For further instructions on loading a program to start machining parts, refer to the next video.
    Navigate to Field Origin

📎 Additional Resources: